Organizational issues
I provide psychotherapeutic support to adolescents (from ages 12 and up) and adults experiencing psychological and psychosomatic difficulties.
In general, a psychotherapy session lasts about 50 minutes and initially takes place once a week. If more convenient, shorter (30 minutes) or longer (90 minutes) sessions are available. The overall duration of the therapy varies, and will be decided upon together by both, client and therapist. Depending on the individual goals to be achieved, it may be short- (1-25 sessions) or long-term (26-60 sessions or more). Progress will be regularly monitored by client and therapist and adaptations made as necessary. Once sufficient stability has been achieved, the interval between sessions may be increased to allow for prolonged trials of self-management. The overall aim of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is about empowering the client and helping them become their own therapist. Top-up sessions are possible even much later.
As a self-employed general practitioner not-contracted to any social health insurance provider (= Wahlarzt) you will be billed by me directly. But you will be entitled to a reimbursement from your insurer of some of your costs incurred, if certain requirements are met.
Requirements for a partial reimbursement from your social health insurer
1) The main prerequisite is a mental health problem, considered to be an illness. I will be able to advise you on this at the end of our first interview.
2) Before the second session a medical examination should have been performed and the respective doctor's certificate submitted to your social health insurer. If you have already consulted with doctors in the lead up to your diagnosis or have even been referred for psychotherapy, the doctor's certificate may best be obtained from them. If you are self-referred, the examination can be performed by your general practitioner or specialist of trust.
Alternatively I can perform the medical examination in the surgery.
3) A referral for psychotherapy from your general practitioner or specialist further smoothes the path towards a refund.
4) Finally your social health insurer requires a filled-in form towards an allowance of further psychotherapy sessions ("Bewilligungsantrag für Psychotherapien"). This application has to be submitted by the tenth therapy session at the latest. We will complete it together in good time.
€ 65 per therapy session of 30 minutes
€ 110 per therapy session of 50 minutes
€ 195 per therapy session of 90 minutes
€ 0.5 per minute of travel time to / from home-visits
€ 0.42 per kilometre of travel to / from home-visits
€ 100 per therapy session of 50 minutes as videoconference via Jitsi Meet
During the CoVid-19/Coronavirus pandemic we were all trying to reduce our physical contacts to a minimum. To uphold the provision of psychotherapeutic services Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK) decided to allow telehealth. Sozialversicherungsanstalt der Selbständigen (SVS) and Versicherungsanstalt öffentlich Bediensteter, Eisenbahnen und Bergbau (BVAEB) also accepted such alternative provision of services.
Using Jitsi Meet, an application which according to its developers allows for encrypted communication, I therefore since also offer psychotherapy via videotelephony. If you are interested in this service, please inform yourself beforehand, whether Jitsi Meet fulfills your requirements with regards to online security. If indeed it does, simply contact me via telephone to arrange an appointment. To join a videoconference you need to have installed on your computer one of the common web browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox. I will send you a text message 5-10 minutes before our session starts. This informs you of the necessary link to enter in the address bar of your web browser.
Services that go beyond the immediate scope of therapy will be invoiced according to the time and energy expended on such tasks on my part. This may include, e.g., doctor's certificates, written summaries etc.
Sales tax does not apply!
Preferred method of payment is cash. This helps me to focus on therapy by reducing the time I have to spend on matters of accounting.
I am more than happy to assist you with the application for partial reimbursement of costs from your social health insurer!
Should you ever be unable to attend your appointment and at the same time be able to foresee the instance, I would greatly appreciate it, if you could please kindly let me know beforehand as soon as possible. This allows me to reschedule. Thank you for your understanding!
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Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles. It takes away today's peace.
(Zig Ziglar)